FBI | Section VI Training Script

Trainer Information:

Black - Read

Blue - Do what it says/trainer information

Training Script [SECTION VI]

Welcome to the Federal Bureau of Investigations Sections VI training. I am (rank and name), your host today. Behind me is my co-host (rank and name) and the assistants are (rank and name) and they will be assisting with this training to make it efficient. Throughout this training, you are expected to address us by Sir. If we ask you a question, we expect an answer. This training, will be based on a 3-strike system, if you receive 3 strikes for whatever reason then you will be dismissed on the spot. However, if you show us that you have no intention to listen, and you just mess around in this training then you will be dismissed even if you didn’t have any strikes before.

Upon completion, you will be able to perform breaches in-game appropriately and effectively and have a thorough understanding of all the essential elements of breaching such as the roles involved in a breach, its essential components, and the most efficient and effective ways to carry one out.

Probationary Agents will act the rules IAW FBII 01-002, Roblox TOS, Discord TOS, and rules Trainers state throughout training. Failure to abide by rules will result in an immediate suspension of duties and a blacklist.

Now, I’ll be going over the rules so listen closely:

  1.  Respect - You are to show respect to every individual within this training.
  2. Integrity - Everyone learns from their mistake, but we’re unable to assist you throughout your learning process if you’re not being truthful with us, so be honest.
  3. Professionalism - You are to show professionalism throughout the entirety of this training, do not muck around.
  4. If an individual is addressing the class, do not interrupt them.
  5. If something within the entirety of this training does not belong to you, do not touch it.
  6. If you would like to go AFK, you must ask a trainer to go AFK. If you go AFK without notifying us, you’ll be dismissed.
  7. If you show any misconduct throughout the entirety of this training, you’ll not only waste everyone else’s time but also waste your own, use of common sense.
  8. Don’t joke around with the weapons that you have.
  9. You must listen to all instructions that are given to you by a trainer within the Federal Bureau of Investigations and you must abide by these instructions.
  10. Throughout your time within the Federal Bureau of Investigations, there are many instances where you’ll have to adapt to a new environment, so start adapting to the changes if there are any throughout this training.
  11. You must follow all established safety precautions such as range commands which are given to you by a trainer.
  12. You are not permitted to play any audio through Discord including audio that isn’t your true or real voice. An example of this is; Voice changes.
  13. If you are not willing to participate throughout the entirety of this training or generally have a negative attitude, you’ll be dismissed as you’ll waste everyone’s time.
  14. If you go AFK for more or equal to 10 minutes, you’ll be dismissed.
  15. You are not permitted to record or live stream the entirety of this training unless you’ve been permitted by a Supervisor or a Trainer.
  16. Use PTS if you wish to speak.
  17. Use grammar.

During this training, we'll cover a variety of topics. This comprises the essential elements of a breach, the many positions within a breach, crucial knowledge about breaches, situational awareness, and lastly how to carry out a successful breach.

Now we will be moving on to the important aspects of a breach.

Before initiating a breach, you must plan how you'll do it and what you'll be doing while you're doing it. You should always have a team leader who is the Pointman of the stack during a breach.

You can do a breach in one of two possible ways. The first method, which involves quickly and silently breaching, is the best method. You'll experience some surprises as a result of this. It is best to accomplish a breach without alerting the enemy that you are there and about to do so. As a result, when you breach, you will catch the hostile(s) off-guard, giving you the advantage when it comes to securing the hostages.

Only use the second option if they have seen you or heard you because of how loud your team was. The second method is to do it loudly and swiftly. By doing this, you can avoid being flanked and stop someone else from entering the building and killing everyone inside. Numerous things can go wrong if you take too long in a breach; for example, other enemies may enter the building behind you, or things may just become more chaotic if you remain inside the structure for too long.

Take them to the wall outside the Breaching Building(s).

The next aspect of breaching that I will go over is the positions in a breach.

In a breach, the team leader is the Pointman and they occupy the first position in the stack. The Pointman leads the breach, assigns roles to every individual within the stack, issues commands for the stack, initiates the breach, and lastly, they are the first person to enter and exit the building.

The Assaultman is the second position in a breach and they are second to enter and leave the building. They play a crucial part in the breach as they are tasked with assisting the Pointman in neutralizing the targets. They must act react quickly to when the Pointman initiates the breach to ensure that the breach is swift.

The third person in the stack is the Breacher. Their job is also important as they are tasked with breaking down the door so the team can successfully enter the building. They must react quickly as to when the Pointman initiates the breach so that it can be swift. Once the door has been breached, they will go back to their position in the breach and assist the others to neutralize the targets.

The Slackman is the last individual in the stack. They are to watch the rear of the stack to ensure that no one is interfering/flanking the stack.

The next vital aspect of a breach is the commands given by the Pointman and answered by the other individuals in the stack.

There is a reason why the commands are brief and snappy. We want our breaches to be quick and clean so the suspects won't have time to prepare for us. By surprising them, this gives us the advantage.

The commands are as follows:

? - “Initiate/Ready?” (The Pointman asks the stack if they are all ready.)

. - “Ready” (The Stack responding to the Pointman informing the Team Leader they are ready.)

! - “Initiate/Breach” - The Pointman gives this command for the Stack to move into the building.

You need to know how to do a breach in order to even attempt to neutralize the hostiles. It completes a breach effectively and quickly because it requires you to think and carry out several tasks.

The first type of breach we will be learning about is a Y Breach. This breach is done when there are not 2 sides between 1 door. For example to your left here, with the 5 pads. This is the layout of a Y breach. During a Y Breach, each member of the Stack lines up in a Single File Line behind each other. Firstly, the Pointman will give the command “?” and then the stack will respond with “.”, then the Pointman will say “!” to initiate the breach.

Once the commands have been done, the Pointman initiates the breach, the Breacher will now knock down the door utilizing his Battering Ram. The Pointman will enter the building. He will go straight across the door and stay against the wall and eliminate any hostiles in his view. The Assaultman will then enter, they will hook a J-Turn around the corner and stick to the wall opposite of the Pointman and will eliminate any hostiles. The next person in the stack will then go straight following the Pointman, making sure they are covering the Center side. The Slackman will then enter and cover the door ensuring the safety of all personnel within the building. If they move rooms then the Slackman will cover that door.

An X Breach is pretty similar. The main difference is how we have 2 stacks on either side. In a X Breach we have half the team on one side of the door and the other half on the other side of the door. The Pointman is usually on the left, meaning the Assaultman will be on the right. The Breacher will then be on the left with the Pointman and the Slackman will be on the right with the Assaultman. The Commands are the same, given by the Pointman. The Breacher still knocks down the door and the Slackman still covers the rear. When you are entering the building you do not hook a J-turn at all. All you do is go to the wall furthest away from you, which means you will cross it. You will need to watch crossfire and ensure you’re not shooting any of the friendlies. You do this one at a time, with the Pointman going first, the Assaultman going second, and so on.

For each different room, the Pointman will decide whether or not it’s a Y or X breach.

I will now split you into even teams and you are to do a Y breach into the room and then an X breach.

Split them into even teams in front of this building, appoint each individual a position in the stack, and then instruct the first group to do a Y breach on the door and then an X breach once they have finished. You will need to do this for each team, supervise them and take down notes! After all teams have finished breaching both X and Y breaches, give them feedback.

We will now be moving on to breaching a different building. Once again, you will be split into even teams, but this time I will appoint a Team Leader and they are to appoint each individual a different position in the stack. You may use your microphones if you wish. For this, you are to be independent. The Team Leader will appoint the different positions, decide whether it’s a Y or X breach for each room and follow every single procedure during a breach. You will need to clear every single inch of the building and neutralize all targets and not shoot any friendlies. The red targets are the ones you shoot and the green ones are the ones you are trying to save/not shoot at. You are only allowed to use the LVOAC, Flashbang, Battering Ram and Glock 22. Trainers may be in the building and trying to kill you, so make sure you are ready at all times.

Split them into even teams in front of this building, appoint a Team Leader for each group and instruct them to breach after the countdown has ended (set a 60-second countdown so they can have time to plan). Trainers may be in the building to kill the attendees if they wish, but not suggested so they can supervise how the attendees are doing and if they make any mistakes. If trainers are in the building and trying to kill the attendees, make sure they are on the trainee team and attendees are on the FBI team so the team kill is off and only use the Glock so it’s fair! Do this for every group. Give them feedback at the end of every group so they can improve.

We will now breach 3 different building types. For starter info, green means easy, yellow difficult and red hard. You will be split into even groups and I will again appoint a teamleader. In this house there are various targets hiding behind walls and you‘ll have to shoot them and clear room by room. Targets can be crouching, standing, laying down or above looking at you. If you miss a target you are counted as dead. After you‘ve shot every target atleast 3 times you are clear to leave the house. After that you will receive a feedback and can move over to the next house or you will have to retry. To breach a door you have to click on the x for it to explode/open. You cannot be too close to the door as the explosion could kill you or relocate your arms.

We will now move to Fleeca Motel to replicate a hostage situation in-game. I will once again appoint a Team Leader and they are to appoint a position in the stack for each individual in their team. The Team Leader will need to initiate the breach and determine what type of breach is appropriate for each room.

Set up the room as below (corner right) and ensure that when you clone yourself they are on the trainee team so that team kill is off. Appoint a Team Leader for each group and then instruct them to breach the room appropriately. Take notes on positives and negatives and give feedback at the end.

Congratulations you have passed your VI training and you will momentarily receive your VI role after this training. If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me.

Give them their roles and then dismiss them. If you have any questions at any time, please direct message me (jxkob._.).